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Quest for Valor

Role: Level Designer and Scripter

Solo Level Design Project

Engine: Unreal

Quest for Valor is a 3D third-person dungeon crawler action game. It was created by an instructor from Vancouver Film School, and is used as a large assignment during their 1 year Game Design program.


Quest for Valor was the largest Unreal project I had to do at  my time at VFS, and it definitely helped me improve my blueprinting skills tremendously. 


My dungeon in Quest for Valor was the product of many a sleepless nights paired up with the coinciding 2D project Khaya being developed.


Making the dungeon, a large amount of inspiration came from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I decided to theme up my dungeon first, with the theme being captured villagers and sacrificing them to make it easy on the player. The dungeon was made using Unreal's BSPs, and textured and set-dressed from the given ingredients.


As for the blueprinting side, this was also the largest project I had to do blue-printing wise. Although it wasn't the cleanest, I had managed to create many blueprint events for the level.

One thing that I definitely learned from creating this level is to scope accordingly. I created a massive grey-box with many things that I wanted to do in placeholder text. I still managed my way through getting everything that I had wanted to do initially, but at the cost of ruining my sleep schedule, as well as not being able to polish the level up as much as I had wanted.

Blueprinting this was my greatest triumph for the assignment. I came into this knowing very little blueprint scripting skills, and came out constantly thinking about how I could achieve the vision in my head using blueprints as I took the train ride home. The things I managed to script in this level include killing villagers to open a door or to lower the difficulty of the room by a little (removing lava, not spawning enemies, etc.). I also manged to keep track of the amount of villagers the player sacrifices throughout, and spawn 1 extra enemy in the final room boss fight for every villager killed. The boss fight was also scripted by myself as well!

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